Decentralized data acquisition system for harsh environment

DNV GL has over 90 years of experience in inspections, testing and certification throughout the world.  It has offices and strategic partners in Europe, Asia and the United States and independent testing laboratories in Europe and the United States.

DNV GL continues to issue KEMA certificates from their laboratories to maintain industry recognition for these trusted documents.

Accredited testing, inspections and certification of third party components for transmission and distribution of electricity are key elements in DNV GL’s business activities.

To help DNV GL in achieving its business goals INCAA was asked to assist in the development of a decentralized data acquisition system. The central part of the system is a server application that communicates through a fiber network with the acquisition nodes. These nodes are fast ADC modules that are synchronized over the fiber network up to the nano-second level.  The nodes are battery powered and can wireless be charged by a base station. Due to the large magnetic fields that may appear during tests extra care has been taken in the magnetic shielding of the modules.

At this moment the first systems are installed where INCAA assisted in the commissioning on sight. More systems are planned in the near future.

This is another example of a successful fully customized design were we demonstrated our expertise:

  • Hardware development and manufacturing,
  • Software development and
  • System integration.

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